
monhart.com / mylin 4

1992 200´ / 61 m Royal Van Lent Feadship
yardnumber # 768
some octagons in the interior

but where are the tenders?
are tenders so ugly they have to be hidden inside lower deck aft caverns?
they are boats, and the mother ship itself is a boat.
maybe, and only maybe, there is a design approach that ignores the big boat being some sort of ship in the first place - then the shipness of the tenders must be ignored in consequence as well

but: a yacht is a ship, like a freight ship, only with less storage place for goods, like a warship with (at the brave new times: even) a higher probability of women being on board, a tanker ship without most of the oil.

a ship.

a ship is something that can only in parts be modified to look good or stylish in a designer´s sense; “a designer´s sense” meaning “creating an abstract sculpture that does not reveal what kind of machine it is, what purpose it has been built for”.
one step further, if a sculpture is a work of art, it should / could be pointless,  meaningless, purposeless.

a ship / boat has a meaning. its meaning is to swim, and it should do so, in a foreseeable direction

gebrüder fleischmann in nürnberg proposed some track layouts for their 0-gauge range in 1950
to my knowledge, their first dedicated track layout book ever was published 1952 for their - then - new and revolutionary H0 scale toy trains
so these ones here are just excerpts from the 1950 O-scale catalogue

feadship - NEW - drawings of Jean-Marc Monhart - home